Friday, March 28, 2008

New Website!

Please visit our new website for all your Lo Lo and Spegar family news!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Baby Showers

These pictures are from my baby showers in Monticello and Dallas.  The shower in Monticello was held at Stacy Hopper's house on a Sunday afternoon.  It was absolutely beautiful and my wonderful hostesses gave me a Moses Basket.  Our shower in Dallas was held at my sister-in-law Sandee's house on a Saturday night.  It was a couple's shower and so much fun!  The weather was beautiful and the food and decorations were perfect.  We were so excited that so many of our friends from Home Group were able to come.  Thanks so much to all of our wonderful family and friends that have showered us with love and gifts these last few weeks!!

Photos by Jessi

Recently our friend Jessi took these pictures of Garrett and me.  We were on location at Cross Timbers Winery, Southlake Towne Square & Lake Grapevine.  Didn't she do a great job?  Jessi is incredibly talented.  If you need a photographer for any reason, let me know and I will get you her contact info.

Bob's 40th Birthday Party

Here are pictures from Bob's party. A large time was had by all!

And just in case someone out there has not seen Bob get dunked yet...


It snowed in March...twice! Here are some shots from around the house.

Pictures from the Home Group Baby Shower.

Last Saturday was the Home Group Baby Shower for all 4 of the Preggos in the group. Ashley, Kathleen, Dana and I were showered with amazing food, wonderful gifts and so much love!! I was blown away by how much thought and preparation went into the shower. Jessi, Keri, Melissa, Val, Kasey, Mary Claire, Rachel, Gitanne and Anna, you guys are such a blessing in my life.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

New Pictures of T and Lo

Hello all!

Apparently, I have been slacking off in my duties as the resident photographer. I have heard that some are upset about not having seen what the mom-to-be looks like in her current state. I can understand and sympathize because she gets more cute everyday. So here are some pictures of T and Lo.

But I must admit that seeing her in person and getting to feel the baby kick is so much better than any picture!


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!!

During our recent visit to Garrett's home town in Pennsylvania we got the opportunity to spend some time at one of Garrett's best friends Marty's house. Marty's mom and step dad care for abused or abandoned wild animals on their property. And when I say wild, I mean wild. We saw lions, tigers, a leopard, a cougar, wolves, a minx and a llama. It was so cool not only to see the animals up close but to hear each of their stories. There was even a white tiger that had just been brought to them from the Playboy Mansion. The other cats didn't take too well to the newest "beauty queen" on the block. We think they were just jealous though. Another really cool part of our visit was seeing Dr. Shepherd, Marty's step dad, feed Sabrina, one of the tigers, raw meat out of his hand!! Sabrina has been with the family since she was a cub. Garrett even remembers playing with Sabrina many years ago when she still lived in their house. Today she weighs almost 600 pounds. In total they care for 32 lions and tigers. Each eat about 10-12 lbs of raw meat daily. Even though many of them have been abused most are quite friendly, except for Kira. She came rushing over to the fence and roared at Garrett when he was taking pictures. Now that was a shot I wish we had gotten. He was spooked pretty good! Overall our experience was amazing, so much better than any trip to the zoo!!

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Where you at?!
